Facebook can be a business’s most powerful marketing tool. Whether a business is big or small, Facebook can have a massive impact on growth, sales, advertising, and overall business visibility. Facebook offers powerful marketing tools that give you the ability to reach hundreds of people that may be potential consumers for your business. This is why it is so important to develop a Facebook marketing strategy for your business and that’s what we wanted to discuss in our post today!
How To Get Started
Before you do anything else, you’ll need to create a business page on Facebook for you business. You do not want to create a personal page. Business pages look similar to personal pages but the difference is that Facebook gives business pages access to special marketing and advertising tools that are not available on regular personal pages. With business pages, Facebook users can like your page as a way of subscribing to your posts. The more likes the better as this means more people will be viewing the content you put out on your Facebook page!
There are some nitty gritty details to take care of too when you first start a business page on Facebook. The first is to make sure you have a great cover photo that really pops off your page! The second is to claim a url for your page that reflects the name of your business. By default Facebook gives you a url that is a jumble of numbers. You’ll want to change this to make your pages more shareable and easier to find.

Third, and potentially the most important, is to pick out a profile picture for your page that will be easily recognizable to your consumers! For most businesses this usually means using the logo of the business as the profile picture. The profile picture will be the first thing people see when postings from your page are scattered around their newsfeed. You’ll want to make sure they know it’s you.
Finally, you’ll want to set up the custom tabs on your Facebook page that reflect the services and info about your business that you want people to be able to discover. By default, the tabs are set up as Timeline, About, Photos, Likes, and More. As you can see on our Apollo Marketing page though, we have tabs set up for other things like our services that we provide to our clients! Your tabs can be whatever you want them to be as long as they reflect the parts of your business that you want people to see!
How and What To Post?
We have so many people ask us all the time about what they should be posting to Facebook and how often they should be doing it. We actually wrote a blog about it earlier this year! The truth is that you want to focus on quality over quantity. You do not want to flood your page viewers news feeds with junk posts. People will eventually start turning a blind eye to all of your posts whether they are quality or not just due to the sheer volume. It is important to focus on posting content that is interesting and relevant to those you’re trying to reach.
You also want to post at the best times in order to get the maximum amount of potential out of your posts. Posting something at 1 AM just isn’t going to be as effective as a post that goes out at noon! HubSpot recommends that the best time to post on Facebook is Wednesday at 3 p.m. Other good times include 12-1 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays and 1-4 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays. Engagement is close to 20% higher on Thursdays and Fridays while Facebook use spikes by 10% on Fridays. Probably because it’s the freakin weekend!

Scheduling your Facebook posts to work in to these high volume times is a good idea to promote good social media practice. You know how life gets to, meetings, responsibilities, work, unforeseen events, and all sorts of other things can sometimes clog a whole week up in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it’s not easy to sit down and churn out quality Facebook content without being distracted by something else. Prepping ahead of time and scheduling out good quality content can be a great way to stay up to pace with your page!
Post with pictures too! Facebook posts with pictures have been observed to receive two times more engagement than posts without pictures. Vary the visual content as well. Infographics, screenshots, videos, pictures, drawings, anything that is unique and a little different from time to time are all great ways to vary the visual content on your page and catch a viewer’s eye!
More Questions?
If you have more questions about what the best practices for your social media strategy moving forward should be or on anything else social media related. Give us a call or send us a message today! We’d love to lend a helping hand.